Tired Monday in Brisbane

I couldn’t sleep well last night. Perhaps, I need a time to accustom the life in Australia. Don’t you thing so? It’s been a long time since I come back from Unite State.

Many things are fine in here where I stay. The host is quiet nice to me and also the housemate are all of Taiwanese. So I do not have problem communicate with them.

I go with my friend who just takes the same airplane with me. She has a friend live in here about five years. Oh.. I must tell you is a magic that she is live near by our house maybe about only two blocks. We went out for the lunch at MacDonald under the City of bus station. We bought a daily ticket. It cost 6.8 AUD dollars. I felt I am a poor girl in that time when I paid the fare on bus. But think other ways. The drinks also cost a lot. Remember the first day I just waiting for my friend to pick us up at central station. For change some coins to phone her . I went to a shop and bought a small battle of cola. It cost exactly 2.95 dollar. Oh…. What’s a hell? I’d better go back at that time. Every thing is expensive in here where I am going to stay about one year. My bank will like to hear that for I might be a potential customer to them. Because I need a loan in near future.  Hay…doesn’t funny at all. I am very worry. No other way to figure out. I must to do some work in here to earn some money for allowance my poor wallet.

 By the way we took a bus and go to the city and go around to see their library. And then took a ferry to the Queensland of University. It was a nice experience for me to stand on the boat and take some photos there. Not so many people use that. Because the time was working hours and was Monday today. The campus is quiet nice and big. We even went to the business library and saw a lot of Asia students there. I have to agree with my friend. It wasn’t a good place to learn English for even you don’t know the English well. You still can go around a city. it doesn’t have problem. Ok…. when you read till now. You must think my English is really not good. right? It’s OK… Just tell me a truth. I need to improve my English so I came here to learn but I also want to explore my life and share with you guys but I don’t want to type in Chinese. See….the outcome is I am a good girl and you will see how study hard I am thought my blog in here. See you guys soon….     Eilnor



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