
從美國回來 轉眼也四年了 和寄宿家庭的聯繫一直沒有斷過 來來回回的信件 總是搭著飛機穿越時空來到彼此的心理 那一段日子 改變了我很多很多的觀念 也讓我幸運的有機會融入另一個家庭 但是漸漸地我們變忙碌了 各自有著各自的人生 雖然彼此仍互相關心 但是卻不常聯絡了 去年當選公主後特地寄資料給遠在美國的家人看 但卻一直沒有收到片面回應 心理偶爾也會感到寂莫吧 今天收到Karen的回信 讓我又驚又喜 雖然只是短短的一封MAIL 但 卻適時的安撫了我沮喪的心  我想 人生裡有很多苦痛和 困難 需要我們去面對 而唯一能給我們力量的 莫過於愛吧  Dear JOY, I am sorry for my SLOW reply as I think of you so often. This weekend, we have 3 students moving in, and I was showing my family photos of YOU on the wall of their room. We are VERY proud of you winning the beauty contest too - I wrote you a postcard when we received the news with photos, articles and all of your kinds words. The timing of that envelope was PERFECT for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was going through a very sad time, and when I recieved your envelope it made me cry "happy tears" because your letter was full of sooooooooooo much love. Though I do not write often, I miss you more than I can say. And forever you have place in my heart. Love, you California Mama :) /p>


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