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辛苦了一整個星期,從星期一忙到星期日,下午六點半,我拿到這禮拜的薪資,老闆雖然超會A人,但是算起錢來卻一點都不馬虎,一毛都沒有少,剛剛好AUD238元,我拿著厚厚的鈔票,心理突然覺得很感動。不是因為手上多了一筆錢,而是我真的開始了打工渡假簽證的生活,不管有多辛苦,我都撐過來了,我替自己感到驕傲,哇 侯賽累呀~~ 這是我們廣東老闆最愛講的話

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JOY Eilnor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


JOY Eilnor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

來"金利來"<======我們店的名字  後,我就有資格這樣說了

JOY Eilnor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


JOY Eilnor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

感恩節的火雞、二十七歲的生日派對、親手佈置的聖誕樹、永遠走不完的美國小丘、擁抱 擁抱 無止盡的擁抱

JOY Eilnor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Sister Carlin,

I take your word seriously. See, here I am, writing a nice and meaningful letter to you in English as you requested. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if the sentence you couldn’t understand at all. Sometimes just hard to write English mail if your English ability do not good enough.

First, to answer your questions for our cousin who want buy a mutual fond. I think she could ask her young sister. I don’t have any sense of investment since I leave the bank. I am quiet enjoy the time here to be concentrate on my study. However, it is hard to study by myself without a teacher. Believe that I often get lost after few days reading. But no worries. I will be fine as I know what is important to enjoy life right now. I just read a book named “Daddy long legs” the girl said: The most important thing in life is to live right now and to be satisfied with yourself. Do not greedy too much. It will made you confuses in Money’s world. I am glad I not a person who care about money too much. For me. I only need enough money for living. I am not fond at new bags, shoes, clothing any more. For I desirous to enrich my sprit life more than the marital one.

It’s nice to hear that your company sent you to learn a bit news thing and is free. I hope you enjoy the time to learn it and tell me back after you finish it. Perhaps, I could learn something new from my dear sister Carlin. What did you thing of it?

Isn’t it a good idea?

Not that kind of easy to get a job here, especially, we apply for a Working Holiday Visa. I am trying hard to have several interviews but failed at the end of few days later. I think the time we could work for them only six months is too short for them to hire us. Exclude us going to work as a farmer. Maybe we will try one in near future or not. Who knows? The living condition doesn’t as good as your imagination.

I still glad that I am here in Brisbane. I met a friend on airplane and have such a fun with her the day before yesterday.

I always try my best in learning English. It is a huge job to go through it. Especially, for I didn’t take it seriously when I was in junior high school. Obviously, I admit that I regret it now. It does never be too late to start learning something new. For you too. My dear sister.

Wow... I think this is the longest letter I have ever made for you before. I hope you not annoying by such a mail.


Much love across sea from your always



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It’s always being nice to have friends to visit. I am really happy and enjoy have lovely time with Wendy today. We checked the bus schedule and get on the car about 10:20 than transfer our bus on culture center around 11:00. Finally, we get off 444 bus and be exciting to discover the bywong street. We asked a tall man on the street to show the direction for us. He was surprised for we have to walk about 945 meter. However, it wasn’t a problem at all. At least, we like to go out once a week and to explore Brisbane a little bit. We walked down hill and up hill then turned left to find out street. Actually, it quiet near be bus stop that one we get off. Here we are, In front of Wendy’s house. First greeting was came from a Dog whose name is Dorothy. She was barking as soon as we arrived but soon be friendly to shake her tail and play with me. Of course, not for Chuan who always afraid of animals. We met Wendy and her husband both and have lovely lunch outside of balcony where just be suitable for Saturday relax time. It’s always sunshine day in Brisbane. However, we expect rain more than big Sunshine for it doesn’t rain a lot for long long long time. The Wendy likes to painting and has done some great jobs on her own. You could see it through the photo that I took while I was visiting them. She has four kids and six grandchildren. That’s why we met on Singapore airplane for she just comes back from Japan. Her daughter is living there with her husband and very nice kids. After Australia style teatime. She took us to go on the mountain. They have a nice car and it wasn’t far from their house. Only five minutes late we were there, enjoying a overview of City. They even drive us home and took a small tour in our back yard. We share our damping to them to thank for their kindliness. Oh…What’s a wonderful thing that I am going to Cold Coast on next Wednesday. Wendy is going to visit some friend there. She said she would like to drive us to Cold Coast. Oh….. Yap… I can’t wait for next travel .All thanks to Wendy.



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好久沒有這麼開心了,就連跟我住在一起的釧都能感受到我的喜悅,雖然我在澳洲 爸爸媽媽妹妹在台灣 可是透過電話卻感覺我們離得好近,妹妹難得回家去燙了個美美的頭髮 媽媽眼睛手術已經好很多了 ,在等妹妹的時候還幫JOY買了顆饅頭,JOY真是太幸福了,哈哈  我不在JOY反而過得更好呢  連哥哥都改了MSN的抬頭:不怎麼可愛的大蘋果,我們在這裡支持妳"   為什麼是不怎麼可愛的大蘋果呢?? 我很可愛呀???  哥哥 你要改一下抬頭啦   真是不給我面子 
我們房東準備要賣房子囉  也許過二個月我們就要搬家了

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