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JOY Eilnor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

辛苦了一整個星期,從星期一忙到星期日,下午六點半,我拿到這禮拜的薪資,老闆雖然超會A人,但是算起錢來卻一點都不馬虎,一毛都沒有少,剛剛好AUD238元,我拿著厚厚的鈔票,心理突然覺得很感動。不是因為手上多了一筆錢,而是我真的開始了打工渡假簽證的生活,不管有多辛苦,我都撐過來了,我替自己感到驕傲,哇 侯賽累呀~~ 這是我們廣東老闆最愛講的話

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來"金利來"<======我們店的名字  後,我就有資格這樣說了

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感恩節的火雞、二十七歲的生日派對、親手佈置的聖誕樹、永遠走不完的美國小丘、擁抱 擁抱 無止盡的擁抱

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Dear Sister Carlin,

I take your word seriously. See, here I am, writing a nice and meaningful letter to you in English as you requested. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if the sentence you couldn’t understand at all. Sometimes just hard to write English mail if your English ability do not good enough.

First, to answer your questions for our cousin who want buy a mutual fond. I think she could ask her young sister. I don’t have any sense of investment since I leave the bank. I am quiet enjoy the time here to be concentrate on my study. However, it is hard to study by myself without a teacher. Believe that I often get lost after few days reading. But no worries. I will be fine as I know what is important to enjoy life right now. I just read a book named “Daddy long legs” the girl said: The most important thing in life is to live right now and to be satisfied with yourself. Do not greedy too much. It will made you confuses in Money’s world. I am glad I not a person who care about money too much. For me. I only need enough money for living. I am not fond at new bags, shoes, clothing any more. For I desirous to enrich my sprit life more than the marital one.

It’s nice to hear that your company sent you to learn a bit news thing and is free. I hope you enjoy the time to learn it and tell me back after you finish it. Perhaps, I could learn something new from my dear sister Carlin. What did you thing of it?

Isn’t it a good idea?

Not that kind of easy to get a job here, especially, we apply for a Working Holiday Visa. I am trying hard to have several interviews but failed at the end of few days later. I think the time we could work for them only six months is too short for them to hire us. Exclude us going to work as a farmer. Maybe we will try one in near future or not. Who knows? The living condition doesn’t as good as your imagination.

I still glad that I am here in Brisbane. I met a friend on airplane and have such a fun with her the day before yesterday.

I always try my best in learning English. It is a huge job to go through it. Especially, for I didn’t take it seriously when I was in junior high school. Obviously, I admit that I regret it now. It does never be too late to start learning something new. For you too. My dear sister.

Wow... I think this is the longest letter I have ever made for you before. I hope you not annoying by such a mail.


Much love across sea from your always



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28th April 2007, Where am I? I am in Brisbane Australia. Trying hard to get a job as a cleaner or waitress or fruit piker. What I am going to do is a joke but part of my life. Almost two weeks past. Did I learn something or find something new? No. I answer myself. Indeed. You might not going to believe this. I even think back Taiwan rather than stay here. The main reason is environment are quiet different from where I was in Santa Barbara U.S. I have a school program and host stay who take care of me. At least my host mama is a local American. She speaks excellent English and I must speak English to her too. Now I live with Taiwanese family who speak also excellent language too but is a Chinese. Oh…. So sad. To save money so I didn’t apply for a school. To save money I need find a job here. I felt stress form all of negative things I encounter now.

I went with my friend to deliver our Resume more than five shop today. Actually, I don’t think we will get any phone from the shop owner. After we came here, we know more about the situation here. If I were employer I won’t hire someone who only can work in my firm six months. Otherwise, I don’t have confidence in my English ability. For me is really difficult to know the entire vegetable name. I inspirit myself to stay longer even I do not work is fine. I should keep learn that’s what my purpose to come here. I want to take a Master. I know I will. This is a first time I feel I am not strong and very weakness. Or I push myself too hard? I miss the family I use to have when I was in Karen’s house. That’s a real family where I should back too. What I chase for? Chasing for what? I don’t have any idea. I do envy someone who can just go to school and concentrate on their study. I hate I can’t do this. So even I am sad but I will find some thing special. And change my mind. Be happier. No more complain just be myself and appreciated what I have now. Thank God. Amen..


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Wow…Shit. Why so many things just come out at the same time? Today is not my day. Even I went to the Buddhist in early time and be honesty setting in there almost three hours.

Reading the BBC news is really helpful for improve my English ability. Then I got a time today. Opening a Radio and listening to the BBC news. Meanwhile I tried to open the .phf file as well but I couldn’t. My Adobe 7 is reminding me to upgrade my information or it can’t be used. Everyone knows that usually we are poor and smart. So I just ask someone to help me out in all of useful systems in my laptop. Of course, it must be free and some illegal. He didn’t fixing it all. So register problems is coming and continuous pop out in my screen. What can I do? I am in somewhere far away from Taiwan.

After two hours, I search it free installer on PC HOME.com. Now see I can use my iPod as well. Of course, the Adobe 7 is also correctly in my laptop. No problem at all. I tell my roommate who is also not good at computer that I will be an export of computer after one year. For no one could help me in Australia. Otherwise, I don’t want to wait someone far away sent some email to me. It doesn’t solve the problem in time. I need it now. So I fixed it by myself who is lovely and intelligently.

To celebrate my successful in this part. I went to kitchen and reward myself whole big plate Salad. Today isn’t my day. Count on tomorrow.

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Oh….safely pass few days…not thing special for just study at home and eating some food.

The people not always feel happy even they are traveling. So am I. You must don’t agree with me. Right? Because you might think I am not a thankful girl. What I am doing now is a great job. They don’t have chance to do it or they even don’t dreaming about. I don’t know the reason too. I just couldn’t stay at home whole day long. Let’s get some fresh air. So I talk to my friend and ask her to join me to the Sunnybank Hills library.

See! It’s really nice to walking on the foreigner country if there is no traffic. It will be better. We walked about half hours under the strong sunshine. But it just fine. I made jokes during the time we pass by the trees and busy street.oh. the important thing is we save about two dollar of bus fee and exercised a lot.

By the way, It doesn’t difficult to get a library card in here. You only need bring your passport and take one of envelope. The one must be sent something to your temporary residence where you stay in this country. Thanks God. I have one form Taiwan. My books for Learning English. We borrow two books with eight movies of DVD. My friend watched before me and she think the movies we borrowed were really nice. I was study in my Global Talk through the laptop I bring. See what a hard working student I am is. Hay…. Let me tell you the truth. I always wake up late so I must run up to catch up the schedule I make.

The only thing need to celebrate is the meal I ate this afternoon. Some fried vegetable with big pork steak. Oh…so delicious. You should try one. Even I am not a money maker but at least I am a good cooker.

There is a elementary school near by our home. We usually take walk before day is dark. The drought is spread out in Australia now. So the playground isn’t look beautiful. Many Chinese live in here. I think they do like the weather here. As my great hometown in Taiwan. Don’t miss me too much. I’ll back in shortly time.

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搭了四小時的新航,總算到了新加坡,身體已經感到很累了,卻還花了快一小時找那躲在角落的貴賓室,吃了新加坡的炒飯休息一下,就前往登機門了E12,新加坡檢查行李很詳細,不像台灣一樣隨便看看,搭上了SQ235 旁邊坐了個胖胖的澳洲女士,一路上開始我的英文會話,呵呵!大約只有二成聽不懂,溝通的很順利,那女士下飛機前還特地寫了聯絡電話給我,哈 我真是有老人家的圓,想說在機上喝點酒好睡覺,結果飛機搖擺不定,害我差點沒有吐出來,如果老爸知道我喝酒,一定搸死我,澳洲天氣很好,我們叫了帥哥司機一路行直達市中心,已經早上六點了,經過了十一小時的飛行,再加上轉機的三小時,再加上我拉著兩箱行李和NB爬樓梯上市中心的速食店,這時候已經累翻了,真不曉得自己幹嘛好好的溪湖公主不做,跑來澳洲當貧民,這一路上我不停的問自己這個問題,幸好我的朋友很準時的來接我們。感謝主。
房子很美 但是台灣人很多

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是什麼時候不再難過了?關於阿公的過世,阿公是甲戊年桐月先逝的,今天重新看著墓碑才想起那一段有您在身旁的日子,我似乎還是太年輕,來不及告訴您,我真的很愛您,一輩子都忘不了您的身影,是在夕陽餘暉中您揮汗整理祖先的墓園,如果能再重來一次,我一定親手抱著您告訴您我真的很愛您,高中時阿公就因高年而身體不適撒手人寰了,除了每年掃墓的日子外,說真的,這些年來思念他的時間已經愈來愈少,也許心理慢慢地也接受了這項事實,唯一能做的,就下把握時間多陪陪爸媽,因為我不想再有任何的悔恨關於家人,這是我喜歡的日子,認真的過好每一天,永遠不去等待明天的可能性,總要來得及在睡覺前讓身旁對我來說重要的人,知道,我愛他們,而且也許受了美國文化影響,家族對我而言,真的愈來愈重要了。Family  My Family is the best thing in my life.

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記不得那位偉人曾經說過:   不要害怕死亡、你該害怕的是沒有意義的生命 
我的血液裡一定有種因子叫"冒險" 因為這項不確定因子讓我總是沒有辦法安定太久,除非這項事很有挑戰性,很多人說這樣不好,我卻很喜歡自己這項特質,因為我不喜歡一成不變的生活,每天都過一樣的日子,那麼生命多沒有意義,人生的時間都是注定好的,但是過程卻是由我們決定的,從小小會計師助理,到復華的業務襄理,這六年裡我換了四家公司,挑戰了四項業務,從助理變成客服,吸取了客服的全盤知識後又覺得這不是我想要的生活,北上爭取PM的工作,因為英文的缺乏,第一次嚐到失敗的滋味,轉戰理專,又是一陣知識大吸收,卻因為一直走不出過往的戀情傷痛,決定辭職離開台灣,給自己重新開始的機會,也附帶重新面對英文,認識我的朋友都睜大著眼睛不敢置信對於我這個可以說是”英文白痴”的像伙鼓掌,不出國則已,一出去就是九個月,全部歸零,就連人際關係也重新開始,感謝Karen,如果沒有她的幫助,我就不會這麼快的融入美國文化,也就不會有另一個家,回國後轉戰外商,面對動扎數億的客戶,我這才重新認識理財的境界,把先前的經濟學又複習了一遍,想爭取多一點陪家人的時間,我回到了溪湖,而再十四天我又要收拾行襄出發到澳州了,因為我還想要更多,我不想我的生命就這樣在銀行裡度過,總還有些什麼是我可以學習的,總還有些什麼是要需要体驗的,有人說我不負責任,工作一個接一個換,現在又選擇逃避到國外,有人說我不可思議,竟然如此有勇氣去追求自己的人生,我說我看了一本書,而書中說當你有一筆錢時,先付給自己,我把夢想看得比衣服還重要,所以我要到另一個新的地方,找我的夢想。

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從三月十三日離職以來,忙著和許多朋友見面,說著同樣的話語,語氣中卻漸漸感到不那麼肯定,是因為什麼呢?? 也許是討厭一次又一次的解釋, 出國其實並不是一件很舒適的事,在國內有車子代步,各項美食都隨手可得,而且家裡再怎麼樣也總是一個立足點,爸爸媽媽也總是隨時都在那,爬兩層樓梯就可以見到,還有可愛的joy,不管我再怎麼搸它,它總是看到我都露出大大的笑容。

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